Hey y'all! Well it's officially the start of a new decade. I sincerely hope you all had magical Christmas and joyous new year.
Time to forget about all that magic for now and get serious. Pantomime 2020 is finally here. If you don't roughly know your stuff now then where have you been for the last four months??
Listen closely now.
Our Greg
We all know Greg. Be it directly as our friend or as the technical wizard behind the sound and lighting for every single Orchard Players show since I can remember...and i'm pretty old. As many of you may or may not know, Greg, a couple of months ago, suffered from a brain aneurysm. After much surgery he is now slowly but surely on the mend. He has recently undergone further surgery due to infection but all still appears to be stable. Our thoughts and prayers continue to go out to the wonderful Greg, Linda and their family. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Raffle Prizes
As usual we are holding our famous raffle during show week (next week). I've noticed that Christmas was very recently here. I've also noticed that people tend to receive stuff where they sometimes have to smile nicely and pretend to love (we've all been there). This is the beauty of raffles. If you have nice stuff that you don't reckon you'll need or use then just pass it over to Julie for the raffle. Then that gets rid of it and creates space for more raffle prize fodder.
Prizes to Julie ASAP please and thank you.
We actually now have a director for the next Summer Show! I'm fairly sure you've all met him. His name is Ray Seager! He will be directing a new musical spectacular called Musical of Dreams featuring song and dance from well known musicals and musical artists that you're bound to have heard before! Tied together with a heartwarming story. The dates for this show are the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of July 2020.
Pantomime Week Rota
As usual a rota for panto week will be doing the rounds. Everyone usually helps out with everything and the hall, kitchen and library are usually left in a very acceptable state after we've used it but just make sure you aid the tidy up mission in some way. Many hands make light work.
First Aid
AGAin......If you're a first aider then please could you let Molly know. The red head with the chopper. Otherwise she'll be the one needing the first aid because she'll be banging her head against a brick wall waiting for people to let her know so she can do her blasted job!!!
Do you hear a whisper on the breeze? quiiiiiizzz......quiiiizzzzzz......QUIIIIIIZZZZ.......did you hear that? Rumour has is that there is another quiz a-brewing.....await further instruction. Get a team ready just in case....it won't be long.......
**News literally just in......** we have a date for the quiz!! THE 21ST OF MARCH 2020!! NOW GO GO GO GO GOOOOOO TO THOSE DIARIES!!
Capel Fun day 2020
Another year, another day of fun. Prepare yourselves. it'll be the most fun yet. Early days so all I can really do is inform you of the date which is the 6th of June. Volunteers and raffle prizes for this will be well received. Watch this space.
party party PARTY!!!
WE SHALL GATHER IN THE VILLAGE HALL ON THURSDAY THE 16TH OF JANUARY FOR FUN TIMES (the thursday after show week). Bring a good ol' plate O' food to share amongst your Orchard Player peers!!
Best Panto of them all??
I've not been authorised officially to inform you of this yet but seeing as you'll all find out anyway eventually, Rapunzel has been nominated for Best Panto 2019 in our region by NODA! yay! massive congratulations to Julie, Lynn and their team for this marvelous achievement.
If you're reading this then thanks for reading. If you skipped to the end then go back and read. If you later claim to be ill-informed of the lastest news and events then there will be a serious enquiry. Maybe I need to type in bigger font?????
xx Me xx