

Our policy sets out how we endeavour to prevent accidents and ill health, moving us ever closer to our goal of a sustainable, Zero Harm.


Also, to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our cast and visitors to our rehearsals and shows and to provide such information, training and supervision as they need for this purpose. We also accept our responsibility for the health and safety of other people who may be affected by our activities. This policy applies to all ORCHARD PLAYERS CAST



We commit to:

Providing adequate control of health and safety risks arising from our activities;

Consulting with our colleagues on matters affecting their health and safety;

Providing and maintain safe plant equipment;

Ensuring safe handling and use of substances;

Providing information, instruction and supervision for colleagues;

Ensuring all colleagues are given adequate training and are competent to do their tasks.;

Preventing/reducing accidents and cases of work-related ill health so far as is

Reasonably practicable;

Maintaining safe and healthy work conditions;


The Chairperson of THE ORCHARD PLAYERS retains overall responsibility for implementation of this policy.


The Leadership team are responsible for ensuring compliance with the policy and to lead and promote health, safety and wellbeing.


This Health & Safety Policy Statement will be reviewed annually and revised as necessary.



Dated: 1st January 2023

Review:1st January 2024